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【Blooms on the weapon】械上繁花 - 創作理念 戰械無情 摧落繁花 籽滿焦土 春風人間 為創作者有感過去一年的國際戰事紛爭,以藝術自我對談,並回應社會的作品。大大小小的太陽花以滴墨渲染化開,拼貼滿布整幅空間,營造極富張力的震撼感。畫作中的太陽花一反過去的陽光形象,此刻的花卉默默呈現一道哀調,象徵著處身戰地中無數受影響的生命。眾多壯丁既無法左右時局,亦無法選擇去留,面對戰爭時份外顯得蒼白無力,唯有以微弱身軀抵作盾牌。然而,儘管飽受戰火蹂躪,繁花在硝煙下流離散盡,創作者仍在花卉之間以穎拓方式留下花籽,象徵著絕處中所留下的種子仍能傳承希望,播滿人間。 Cruel gunfire tears flowers apart Seeds spread hope to the ravaged land Taking inspiration from the wars and conflicts happening worldwide in the past year, the artist conveys the ongoing self-reflection through the artwork and takes a stance on society. The artwork combines different sizes of sunflowers blended with ink-dropping technique, with collage filled in between the flowers, creating an appalling tension between the work and the viewer. Unlike the usual positive and optimistic figure, the sunflowers are depicted with sadness and sorrow, representing the countless people whose lives…

「訪古.講古」其實是一個為期兩年的計劃,我們自2020年開始籌劃到2022年在JCCAC的12月藝術節展出一共是三年時間,中間經歷新冠肺炎最嚴重時期,計劃延誤了一年,展覽本年由塞爾維亞開始,再到意大利,然後返回敦煌,體會當年多個民族融和的歷史,最後才回到香港與觀眾見面的。可是因為疫情關係,最終未能到敦煌展出,是我們的一大遺憾,幸好我們得到JCCAC接納我們提交的建議,成為他們2022年的藝術節主題展覽,這個創意展才能與香港觀眾見面。 這次配合展覽還有四個講座︰陳淑蕙老師介紹敦煌壁畫彩塑,曹仲權先生介紹意大利文藝復興的壁畫,葉希文女士介拜占庭壁畫,進行一次三地壁畫的大比併。另外張駿霖先生講世界與香港藍染故事。還有三個即席示範︰慮世強先生示範泥塑、余志雯女士示範敦煌壁畫及左燕芬女士示範玉米飛天,另外還有三個工作坊由曾彩雲女士和左燕芬女士負責。 希望展覽加上十個活動能引起本港學界及公眾關注敦煌壁畫彩塑的歷史。但願這個展覽能引發年輕一輩像敦煌的守護者常書鴻先生,啟發更多人去關心自己國家的文化寳藏,更將之推廣發揚光大。 策展人及白盒之友創會者 左燕芬   “Classics revisited.Classics reinvented” was initially a two-year project. Yet from its execution in 2020 till the exhibition at the 2022 JCCAC December Art Festival, it would have lasted for a total of three years due to difficulties and interruptions in the worst periods of the Covid-19 pandemic. This tour exhibition which started in Serbia and traveled to Italy, should have also visited Dunhuang, Where the historical multicultural richness inspired our imaginations, before finally meeting the Hong Kong audience. While it is to our great regret that the exhibition did not make it to Dunhuang,…

人說:「畫晝是尋覓美的過程,從發現美,感悟美,表現美到傳播美。」張有法、曾彩雲和趙淑麗在尋覓美的過程中,结缘於中大新水墨文憑課程,課堂上,我們緊鄰而坐,组成了细胞硏習小組,課後經常一起探討技法,一起看展,一起参展,互相分享。畢業後,我們雖各自奔忙,但仍擁抱理想,憧憬着彼此的重聚,再次互相激勵,绽放美的感悟,美的沉思。是次展覽,终於圓夢了,太感恩! 【築夢】細胞小組聯展 展期︰4/11-17/11/2022 時間︰上午十一點至下午六點 ( 逄星期日休館) 地點︰藝立方 九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南87號-105號百利商業中心1019-1020室 Unit 1019-1020, Beverley Commercial Center, 87 – 105 Chatham Road, T.S.T. Kowloon. Hong Kong.  

Past Events

2020 - 2022

Carroll Arto Studio